i am


I am in this world
Why? since when? who ordered me here?
All the years that passed
to know it is the circle of everything knows

The law of the same thing
it does not matter what I do
Everything, everything in this world counts
Not really the poles
between which we move
and not only do we long for it
to mention the truth?
to find the ONE INSIGHT
and to explain everything in it?

To change all things
Explain happiness and misfortune
To align our consciousness
without destroying ourselves
to expand the degree of our expression

The law of the same thing
it does not matter what I do
Everything, everything in this world counts
and to learn
it is the circle that knows everything

The opposites of my true nature are one.

I walk
turn me around
Fear in courage
Darkness in light
Do not you see it? The world is not
...she is
the law of the same thing
it does not matter what I do
Everything, everything in this world counts
not true?